Service Description Price Range
Initial Credit Analysis and Consultation A detailed review of your credit report to identify areas for improvement Free
Monthly Credit Repair Subscription Comprehensive monthly service package covering disputes up to 6 items, monitoring, and 15 minute meeting to discuss progress and actions $150 per month
Initial Setup Fee Initial credit bureau and data furnisher freezes, credit monitoring subscription linkage, account setup, and 1 personal information correction $349 (one-time fee)
Service Description Price Range
Dispute Filing Filing disputes with credit bureaus for inaccurate or negative items in excess of the 6 items included in the monthly credit repair subscription $25 per item disputed
Credit Score Coaching One-on-one coaching to help improve credit score in excess of the 15 minute per month meeting included in the monthly credit repair subscription $50-$150 per session
Credit Report Corrections Working with creditors to correct mistakes or remove inaccurate information in excess of the 1 included in the initial setup fee $75-$200 per correction
Debt Negotiation Services Negotiating with creditors to lower outstanding balances or remove items $200-$500 per negotiation
Hard Inquiry Removal Escalation Removing unauthorized or unnecessary hard inquiries from your credit report when the normal dispute process is not effective $150 per inquiry
Credit Building Plan Customized plan to help build or rebuild credit through secured cards, loans, etc. $300 (one-time fee)